How money works question raised by school students

How money works question raised by school students

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Students from Shree Brahmajhoti secondary school raises a question "How Money works". Their queries are listed below.

1. How Money works?

2. Why our currency value is different then others currency?

3. Why cant we print money as per our need?

4. What is the system of printing Money?

5. What will happen if the rich man destroy all his money and government have no clue about that or the money is destroyed in flood or on fire how government deal with it?

6. What will happen if people started minimizing their spendings?

all these questions are raised by the students you can check the question video below.

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  • NashimAkhtar
    Nashim Akhtar

    hello test

    2020-09-15 10:34:46

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